Sunday, May 3, 2020


Ok, I sincerely apologize for not posting anything in April. That was entirely my fault as I was trying to finish reading Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. It has taken me two months of reading to finally get that book complete. The total page count is 1,264 pages in that entire book! 
If you have not read it then I suggest that you do but only if you have the spare time. It is a depressing book throughout most of it. There are a little bit of happiness sprinkled throughout as well. The name gives away much of what is to expect of the content. But do not let that discourage you from getting lost in the streets of Paris when you get your hands on this book. There are a lot of French words as well, some explained but most aren't. I had to look up quite a lot since I cannot speak the language. But yeah, enjoy!
If you are reading a classic, please feel free to comment about it or if you have read this particular book then leave your thoughts in the comments.