Thursday, January 24, 2019


All I've been hearing about is the konmarie method and that is good and all but I personally think that if all my books make me happy then I am going to keep them. Thanking your things that work hard for you is a great thing to do. I highly suggest everyone do so.

Friday, January 4, 2019


This year I want to tackle my tbr piles. They are four stacks of books sitting on the table by my couch. It has gotten ridiculous. My book buying has gotten out of control whereas my book reading has went dry. I've been paying more attention to my knitting and crochet more so then my reading. It has gotten really sad. So this year, I want to read through at least one if not two stacks. I also want to control my knit/crochet projects but that's a different post for a different blog. Comment and let me know your bookish resolutions!