Monday, April 29, 2019

Book Confession time!

What book was awful that you would turn it into confetti?

For me, it would be fifty shades of grey. I read it due to popular opinions and let's just say that never again will I do that. My book experiences seem to fall better if I pick it out myself and ignore the popular opinions on them. I feel this way over A Court Of Thorns And Roses as well. It was yet another popular read and I went along with it. Regret it very much. I actually gave away my copy of the series to a cousin.
Let me know what your book of choice would be for confetti.

*I do not promote the harming of books, this is just a discussion!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Superman dawnbreaker

Ok, the last books finished were superman dawnbreaker and Mary Poppins.  Haven't been reading very much as of late. Been more into my crochet then my reading which is unusual for me. But Superman was good. It's my first superman book ever so I guess I'm being biased. But I adore the Mary Poppins movie and I seriously want to see the new one so I had to have the book. Now that I know it's a series, I'll be trying to obtain the rest. I kid you not, most of my collection consists of series.