Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Still here

I sincerely apologize for not posting anything for two whole months! Time just got away from me. I've had a lot going on in my life especially over Christmas. Christmas for my family will forever be remembered as the day my grandmother passed away unfortunately. 
I have still been reading books of course. Right now I have two on order and two new ones purchased yesterday and my book of the month order came in today. Unfortunately I had to cancel their subscription because my mom couldn't afford it, as was the excuse she gave me. I have two new books by Christine Feehan coming in January and in May. I am also excited for two other books by her that I haven't staked a claim on yet (lol) but I will have all the books. She is an amazing author. What has been going on with you? What have you all been reading?

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hi there

Ok, I have not posted anything on here since May. I am so sorry. I do have a small series of booknerd problems posts over on my WordPress blog if you want to check that out. You can also find me on Facebook as the crazy book lady and on Twitter via the same name. But I shall try to post more on here. I promise

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Ok, I sincerely apologize for not posting anything in April. That was entirely my fault as I was trying to finish reading Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. It has taken me two months of reading to finally get that book complete. The total page count is 1,264 pages in that entire book! 
If you have not read it then I suggest that you do but only if you have the spare time. It is a depressing book throughout most of it. There are a little bit of happiness sprinkled throughout as well. The name gives away much of what is to expect of the content. But do not let that discourage you from getting lost in the streets of Paris when you get your hands on this book. There are a lot of French words as well, some explained but most aren't. I had to look up quite a lot since I cannot speak the language. But yeah, enjoy!
If you are reading a classic, please feel free to comment about it or if you have read this particular book then leave your thoughts in the comments.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

what got you into reading?

So...I want to know what got you interested in reading books? What age did you start? What was your first favorite book? 

I can't exactly remember my first favorite book but I do know that my love of reading has always been there. I can remember my mother reading to me when I was young. She would read to me at night before bed even though she hates to read. Neither of my parents liked reading. But they didn't seem to mind buying me books. I was that quiet kid who was always excited to read and loved trips to the library and it felt like christmas whenever the day the scholastic book fair came. I also didn't mind having to read the classics like Shakespeare.  As a teen, I preferred hanging out in my room and reading rather then out partying and drinking. 
So? Tell me about yourselves. I would love to hear it. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


In the picture above are all the books that I am currently reading. And as soon as I'm done with at least two of those then I will continue with the hannah swensen series and maybe start the reread of the harry potter books. Since most of these books except like two, are rereads anyway. 
The majority of my books are trilogies and series. This year I want to reread most of them. I don't really want to buy new series without doing so, due to my wanting to make space on my shelves. I do not have much luxury of borrowing from a library because my town does not have one and the nearest library (15 miles away) won't give library cards to anyone living outside city limits so that isn't an option for me. That's why I'm so picky about my books. And why I mainly stick to authors that I know and own books from before.very rarely will I buy new authors unless I'm in a mood for something new. 

Friday, January 3, 2020

happy new year

So I just want to say happy new year and that I hope you all have a good reading year.
For myself, I'm going to try to read more. Especially more then last year because it took me till literally December 31st to finish my goodreads challenge. This year I want to reach that goal early or at least before the last possible day. 
This year, with the exception of any ongoing series, I want to do a lot of rereading. This last year I mainly read books I bought or were given to me and not the books I already have. All 506 of them.
This. Book is my current read: