Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Heads up

I just wanted you all to know that  if I happen to misspell words in my posts now..its because I am getting used to my new phone.
The touch on it is way more sensitive then on my s7.
Thanks for understanding

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Back again

Still here, just continuing reading three books....yet again....this time it's pride and prejudice for my May classic and a court of wings and ruin and shadow spell

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

How many?

I have finished three books since my last blog update.  I have finished immortally yours by Lynsay sands and Anna Karenina by Tolstoy and Manson  (life and times of Charles manson) by Jeff Guinn.
All three amazing books. Now I am left to decide what to read next....the classic for may that I chose is pride and prejudice. I have been wanting to do a reread of it for awhile.
For book reviews, you can follow me on goodreads.